14 Best Digital Product Ideas You Can Start Without Investing a Single Penny

Nikhil Dixit
2 min readSep 2, 2024

In the digital age, starting a business doesn’t necessarily require a hefty initial investment. Here’s how you can dive into the entrepreneurial world with zero upfront costs:

  1. Online Courses and Tutorials — If you possess expertise in a particular field, create comprehensive courses or tutorials. Platforms like YouTube or Udemy can host your content for free.
  2. eBooks — Write about what you know or love. Tools like Canva for design and Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing for distribution make it cost-free to start.
  3. Digital Art and Graphics — If you’re artistically inclined, create digital art or graphics. Use free tools like Canva, and sell on marketplaces like Etsy or through social media.
  4. Stock Photos — Got a knack for photography? Sites like Unsplash or Pexels allow you to share your work, and you can offer premium packs for sale.
  5. Printables — Design planners, worksheets, or art prints. Sell them on Etsy or your website, which is built with free platforms like WordPress or Wix.
  6. Software and Apps — If you can code, develop software or apps. No-code platforms like Bubble can also help you start without traditional coding skills.
  7. Social Media Templates — Use Canva to…



Nikhil Dixit

Hey, I am Nikhil from India, I am a professional chess player and chess coach. I love to write about passive income. Email — contact@nikhildixit.com